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Home :: Vitamin P

Vitamin P - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name :: Bioflavonoids

What is Vitamin P ?

Although bioflavonoids are not true vitamins in the strictest sense, they are sometimes referred to as vitamin P. Bioflavonoids are essential for the absorption of vitamin C, and the two should be taken together. There are many different bioflavonoids, including citrin, eriodictyol, flavones, hesperetin, hesperidin, quercetin, quercetrin, and rutin. The human body cannot produce bioflavonoids, so they must be supplied in the diet. Vitamin P increases capillary strength and aids in regulating absorption. Reduces the risk of hemorrhaging.

Benefits of Vitamin P

Vitamin P are used extensively in the treatment of athletic injuries because they relieve pain, bumps, and bruises. They also reduce pain located in the legs or across the back, and lessen symptoms associated with prolonged bleeding and low serum calcium. Bioflavonoids act synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillaries. In addition, bioflavonoids have an antibacterial effect and promote circulation, stimulate bile production, lower cholesterol levels, and treat and prevent cataracts. When taken with vitamin C, bioflavonoids also reduce the symptoms of oral herpes.

Quercetin, a bioflavonoid available in supplement form, may effectively treat and prevent asthma symptoms. Activated Quercetin from Source Naturals is a good source of quercetin. It also contains two other ingredients that increase its efficacy: bromelain, an enzyme from pineapple, and vitamin C, in the nonacidic form of magnesium ascorbate. Bromelain and quercetin are synergists, and should be taken in conjunction to enhance absorption.

Recommended Dosage of Vitamin P

No dosage has been determined of Vitamin P but 500 mg per day is indicated for supplementation.

Special Intake of Vitamin P

  • If you are stressed out, or are on drugs such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, oral contraceptives, diuretics or oestrogens, then the amount of bioflavanoids (vitamin P) may need to be increased.
  • If you are suffering from cold sores, consider taking a supplement of 1,000-mg Vitamin C and 1,000 mg bioflavanoids (Bioflavonoids), and then 500 mg of each, three times a day. 

Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin P

Symptoms of Vitamin P deficiency includes :-

  • Bruising.
  • Varicose veins.

Rich Food Sources of Vitamin P

Peppers, buckwheat, black currants, and the white material just beneath the peel of citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids. Sources of bioflavonoids include apricots, blackberries, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, oranges, plums, prunes, and rose hips. Herbs that contain bioflavonoids include chervil, elderberries, hawthorn berry, horsetail, rose hips, and shepherd's purse


Extremely high doses may cause diarrhea.

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