Emotional Eating: Why It Happens & How To End It In 7 Steps

If you feel that you eat not because you are hungry, but you are emotional, you are an emotional eater. People who run down to the pantry whenever they are feeling low or upset are emotional eaters. These people find comfort in food.

Most people feel guilt and shame after emotional eating. It also leads to a cycle of other issues like weight gain and feeling bloated.

What leads to emotional eating?

Anything kind of emotional upheaval can cause emotional eating. But, most often, people face emotional eating due to work-related worries, health issues, and relationship struggles. Emotional eating affects men as well as women. But, as per a study, emotional eating is more common in women as compared to men.

Negative emotions and feelings can lead to feeling empty and having an emotional void. Food helps in feeling that void, and people get a false feeling of “Fullness.”

Some of the major factors include:

  • Not trying to get social support during the emotional phase
  • Not engaging in other activities can relieve sadness and stress.
  • When people don’t understand the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
  • Using negative self-talking can also cause a cycle of emotional eating.
  • Changing cortisol levels due to stress can also cause cravings.

How to end emotional eating?

Following are the major tips that you can use to stop the cycle of emotional eating:

Get support and assistance.

If you are prone to emotional eating, make sure that your family and friends are aware of the issue. Try to stay with people who can keep you positive. Many research shows that people who have stressful jobs are more prone to get into the cycle of emotional eating. But, getting support and assistance from people can help in getting rid of emotional eating.

Write a food diary

Keeping a check on what you eat and when you eat can also help you in identifying the triggers. You can use your diary or apps to jot down why and when you ate. Sometimes, it can be difficult to write down everything that you eat. But, try to record the emotions that you were feeling while eating. This way, you will come to know about the major causes of emotional eating. If you are unable to do this, you can also try to get medical advice about your emotional eating. A food diary will also help your doctor in identifying the cause behind your issue.

Eat balanced and healthy eat

Most often, people get into the habit of emotional eating when they don’t get enough nutrients in their bodies. For these people, it can be difficult to differentiate between emotional hunger and true hunger. If you eat a balanced diet, it will be easier for you to identify when you are eating out of hunger or out of stress and emotions.

Refill your pantry

The first step to avoiding emotional eating is by getting the common offender out of your pantry. Try to donate the food in your pantry that you eat in moments of emotions. Throw away food items that are high in fat, sweets, chips, chocolates, and ice cream. In addition to this, try not to visit the grocery shop when you are upset or emotional.

Keeping the food items that you crave the most will help you in tackling emotional eating in a better way.

Get rid of the distraction

Most people like to eat when they are watching Netflix. If you want to get rid of the cycle of emotional eating, the first major point that you need to keep in mind is to switch off your phone and the TV when you are eating.

Try to focus on the food that you are eating, the bites that you eat and the level of hunger you feel. This way, you will be able to discover whether you are out because of hunger or emotion.

Separation of hunger cues and emotional cues

For emotional eaters, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between eating in response to hunger and eating in response to emotions. With practice, you need to differentiate between these two cues. Pay attention to your hunger signals. Make a hunger scale and know-how hungry you are. Wait until you reach the scale of five. To stop emotional eating, you need to stop eating unless you are truly hungry.

Find a balance

Having a balanced life basically means that you are satisfied with all aspects of your life. Thus, try to satisfy your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Imbalance will cause you to eat more than you need. An imbalance in other aspects of your life can also cause emotional eating.

We hope this article will help you in getting an understanding of emotional eating. Try to follow all steps mentioned above to end emotional eating. All the best.


Dietary Standards and Recommendations

How Do We Know How Much?

His gaze was direct and almost a challenge as this athletic, business-suited yuppie uttered a demand before we had even sat down to our first nutrition counseling session. “Look, just tell me what I gotta eat and how much to get my cholesterol down by fifty points-fast.” I had never quite mastered the inscrutable “counselor” look: my overly expressive Italian face usually reflects my emotional response, which, in this case, ran the gamut of surprise at his fierce determination to more than a bit of annoyance at his obvious disdain for the complexity of making lasting nutritional changes. But in the next few seconds, I decided that I admired his faith in both nutrition science and a dietitian’s ability to deliver the goods. It also shows the public’s desire for specific recommendations and guidelines on a healthy diet.

Most members of generation X are too young to remember when there were only four basic food groups. That phrase harkens back to the days when junior high students, at least girls, were taught to cook and admonished to memorize the “Basic 4.” As the focus shifted from nutritional deficiency to excessive intake linked to chronic disease, however, new paradigms for recommendations became vital. The starting point for dietary recommendations, the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), have evolved, often contentiously, over the last half of this century. In fact, they are currently being updated and renamed Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs).

The RDA have been and continue to be the best yardstick we have to evaluate dietary intake. Their objective is to suggest a level of intake for many essential nutrients that is as close to adequate as possible for as many people as possible. You can probably see the difficulty inherent in coming up with one number, say for vitamin A, that is appropriate for an entire nation! This is an unavoidable design flaw, and one that should be taken into account, but not one that should preclude confidence in and use of the RDA.

In addition to a yardstick for adequacy, we also need something that translates the latest scientific knowledge about nutrition and disease into understandable and usable guidelines. As research continued to accumulate, the government stepped up to the plate and issued the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These seven simple recommendations have since been revised and expanded on, and have spurred other health organizations to develop their own dietary guidelines; we have recommendations from the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and a few others for good measure. Contrary to some public opinion, dietary recommendations from the government and most health agencies seem to converge on similar themes.

DRIs and RDAs: How Do They Come Up with These Things?

Currently, the newly revised recommendations, DRIs, cover the following nutrients: calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, magnesium, vitamin D, and the B vitamins. The RDAs for the remaining essential nutrients will be updated in the next year or so and we still need to use the old RDA until the update is complete. So we’ll talk about both DRIs and RDAs, which you can consider almost one and the same.

The RDA for vitamins and the other essential nutrients are established by a subcommittee of the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the National Research Council (NRC) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The current DRIs are being updated by the Institute of Medicine. The NAS is a government agency, but the DRI committee, like the RDA committee before it, is made up of independent researchers representing various specialties in the field of nutrition. That’s important, not just because a lot of people don’t trust the government, but because the people who generate the RDA have broad expertise and experience and bring an unbiased view to the table.

The committee reviews the current information available from animal, human, and population studies and develops recommendations for nutrient intake. A recommendation is made for each nutrient in terms of the daily amount different groups of people need; the current DRI groups, which will cover all nutrients within the next few years, include:

  • pregnant and lactating women (different age groups within each)
  • infants: 0 to 6 months; 6 months to a year
  • children: 1 to 3 years; 4 to 8; 9 to 13
  • males: 14 to 18; 19 to 30; 31 to 50; 51 to 70; over 70
  • females: 14 to 18; 19 to 30; 31 to 50; 51 to 70; over 70

The RDA for a nutrient includes what’s called a “margin of safety,” to account for individual human variation and differences in how well the body is able to absorb the nutrient from various food sources. Most experts believe that the RDAs, which are only applicable to healthy people, probably cover up to 95 percent of the American population. A small number of people will not get enough of a particular nutrient if they take in the RDA, and others will get more than they need.

So where does that leave you? The best use of the RDA is to plan or evaluate diets for groups of people, such as in a nursing home or school. But as long as we recognize their limitations, it is reasonable to use the RDA to assess an individual’s diet. In fact, dietitians do it all the time; we just need to remember that while the RDA is our best estimate, that’s all it is.

Not all nutrients have an official RDA; some have other classifications. For example, the RDAs are not necessarily optimal intakes, but they aren’t minimum intakes, either. In other words, they are not set at a level to simply prevent a deficiency; they include an ample margin of safety. But for sodium, chloride, and potassium, an “Estimated Minimum Requirement” is set at a level which is the minimum you need with no margin of safety. Nutrients with an RDA under the 1989 RDA or the new DRI include protein and the vitamins and minerals.

If studies show that a nutrient is essential but the experts feel that there isn’t enough information to set an RDA, they suggest a range of intake with a special name. The 1989 RDA used the term Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake (ESADDI). The nutrients still covered in this category include the trace minerals chromium, molybdenum, copper, and manganese. When the committee revises recommendations for these nutrients in the future, more research may provide solid evidence for establishing an RDA. The new DRI uses a similar category called Adequate Intake (AI), and has used that term for several nutrients which received updated recommendations.

The first RDAs were published in 1943, and the plan was to revise them every five years. In 1985, the RDAs were scheduled for revision, but because of scientific controversy, the update didn’t appear until 1989. The word controversy doesn’t do justice to the brouhaha which stormed across universities and research centers around the country, resulting in several lawsuits! The new DRls evolved from years of proposals and revisions for updating the RDAs and differ in two important ways. The first change is that the DRls represent one combined set of North American recommendations. Previously, Canadians had their own guidelines, similar to our RDAs. The second important change is that where the previous RDAs were designed to prevent deficiency, the new recommendations reflect current knowledge of nutrient amounts needed to promote optimal health and prevent chronic disease. The plan calls for revision of all nutrient recommendations in a seven-step process, by groups of nutrients. As mentioned, new numbers were recently issued for nutrients involved in bone health-calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and fluoride, as well as the B vitamins.

The DRIs include different categories, just as the RDAs, to account for the more tenuous nature of the research for certain nutrients. In addition, they will continue to include the margin of safety, but with the DRI showing that value in the new AI category. The AI consists of the average intake that covers half the needs of those within a specific gender and age group. Another new category will address the increasing use of nutrient supplements and food fortification, by indicating the upper level of safety for some nutrients.

DRI Categories

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

Intake that meets the needs of half the individuals in a specific group. This figure is used to develop new RDAs for some nutrients.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

These values are derived from EARs. The RDAs are the EAR with an added amount that accounts for the variation in nutrient needs within life-stage groups (margin of safety). The RDAs will meet the need for almost all healthy individuals within a life-stage group.

Adequate Intakes (AI)

For many nutrients, the research data are not available to estimate an average nutrient requirement. For these nutrients, the DRls give an AI recommendation which appears adequate to sustain a desired indicator for health.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

Widespread use of supplements and food fortification has prompted the NAS to include a value that represents the best estimates of maximum intakes that do not pose risks of adverse health effects in healthy individuals within a life-stage group.

One final note about the DRls/RDAs is that, in addition to specific nutrients, there is an RDA for daily energy or caloric intake. Because of the problem of obesity in this country, the energy RDA does not include a margin of safety. Instead, the RDAs are set at average levels for each age and gender group plus or minus 20 percent to account for either situations of higher need, as with increased physical activity, or periods of lower needs, such as occur in aging. What this means for you is that if you’re average for your age and gender, in body size and activity level, the energy RDA is probably close to your actual energy needs. The reference woman at age 19 to 24 is 5’5″ and weighs 128 pounds, while the reference man is 5’10”, weighing 160 pounds.

The Dietary Guidelines: Can We All Agree?

The Dietary Guidelines first appeared on the scene back in 1980. The purpose was to help Americans make food choices that would prevent poor diets which research began linking to chronic diseases. These nutrition recommendations were a joint effort of two government agencies, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services (USDA, USDHHS). Since their inception, they’ve been both applauded and panned, but the guidelines have endured to be revised most recently in 1995.

The latest guidelines appear to be a bit more relaxed, cutting Americans some slack on previously frowned-on food ingredients such as sugar and salt. This left some nutrition advocates jeering. But in the words of one USDHHS official, the new Dietary Guidelines promote “moderation over marathons” and suggest that Americans consider realistically attainable health and dietary goals.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans

  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Balance the food you eat with physical activity. Maintain or improve your weight.
  • Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
  • Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
  • Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
  • If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

The major changes in the evolution of the Dietary Guidelines involve an emphasis on the benefit of vegetarian diets, which is included in the text for the first guideline, the more realistic focus on weight maintenance rather than attainment of ideal weight, and a more positive wording for the guidelines on salt and sugar. Another change came not in the wording of the guideline concerning alcohol, but in the accompanying text, which points to recent studies that tout the possible benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. Also in the text of the publication is another reference to recent research promoting the importance of folic acid for pregnant women.

The revised Dietary Guidelines evoked this less-than-positive characterization of the government’s role from one nutrition advocate: “It’s laissez-faire or do-nothing behavior. Guidelines should tell people what’s the best possible diet and urge them to move in that direction. These don’t.”

Others, however, have commented more positively on specific aspects of the guidelines which emphasize the importance of physical activity in weight maintenance. The new guidelines recommend that Americans engage in thirty minutes of moderate physical activity every day, providing examples such as gardening, housework, or brisk walking. The rationale for this guideline follows the general tenor which stresses a more realistic approach rather than ideal goals.

While the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans may be too moderate for everyone, the USDHHS secretary’s summarizing comments may be welcomed by consumers who’ve been overburdened with stringent preaching: “We Americans should eat a wide variety of foods, balance diet with physical activity, and use good judgment in our consumption of sugar, salt, and alcohol.”

Food Labeling: Putting the Guidelines to Use

Pick up a package of fudge cookies and you’ll get more information than you probably want to know: the label will probably tell you that if you eat two servings, you’ll use up your fat allotment for the entire day! If you’re like most people, you’ll eat the cookies anyway, but at least you’re informed. That didn’t used to be the case. Prior to 1993, the food labeling laws hadn’t kept pace with nutrition research.

Just as the RDAs had centered on adequacy and preventing nutrient deficiency, so too did the food label. You’d have information on riboflavin, thiamin, and a host of other nutrients that aren’t the problem of the average American, but not a word on saturated fat and salt. In addition, manufacturers. didn’t have to include nutrition information unless they made a product claim. Under prodding from Congress, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came up with a new food label, Nutrition Facts. The FDA fixed most of the problems with the old labels, especially by mandating that virtually all food products had to include nutrition information. The exceptions include raw, single ingredient foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw fish, which have voluntary nutrition information at the grocery store shelf.

It’s worth taking a close look at Nutrition Facts, because you can use it to make decisions about the products you buy and how to integrate them into a healthy diet. The food label highlights key nutrients, especially those linked to prevention of chronic disease, including vitamins such as C and A. The nutrient amounts in your cookies show up as percentages of what you should eat in one day, called Daily Values.

Daily Values, in turn, consist of two sources which don’t show up on the label, Reference Daily Intakes (RDIs) and Daily Reference Values (DRVs), but it’s important to know what they represent. RDIs are the old u.s. RDAs which used an even older source, the 1968 RDAs. The DRVs are specific recommendations for nutrients which didn’t have an RDA, highlighting those linked to disease, either positively or negatively: fat, saturated fat, salt, fiber, sugars, and others.

These are the nutrients which manufacturers must include on the label; they were selected because of current health issues:

  • total calories
  • calories from fat
  • total fat
  • saturated fat
  • cholesterol
  • sodium
  • total carbohydrate
  • dietary fiber
  • sugars
  • protein
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • calcium
  • Iron

If a claim is made on the label about other nutrients not on the mandatory list, such as potassium or monounsaturated fat, the manufacturer must provide the information. In addition, if the product contains a nutrient either by fortification or enrichment, it must include that information.

One of the main gripes from critics is the fact that the DRV s are based on a daily intake of 2,000 calories. This is obviously a compromise, since caloric needs vary greatly from one group of the population to another. However, one of the reasons for settling on 2,000 is that increasing the energy level would increase the fat allowance, possibly encouraging higher fat intakes.

Nutrition Facts shows standardized serving sizes for various types of products for the first time. In past years, the manufacturer decided on what serving size to base the nutrient analysis. This led to what appeared to some consumers as a slightly deceptive practice, when, for example, a serving size of cereal equaled one-fourth of a cup. It was true that there were only 5 grams of fat in a serving, but most people would tend to eat four times that amount, thus acquiring a hefty 20 grams of fat at almost a third of the daily allotment.

The FDA has also restricted the use of product health claims for a list of seven nutrient/disease relationships. The claim must also be worded in such a way as to accurately reflect the relationship between the nutrient, the,disease, and the nutrient’s relative importance in the total diet. The approved relationships include:

  • calcium and osteoporosis
  • fat and cancer
  • saturated fat and cholesterol and heart disease
  • fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products and cancer
  • fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products and heart disease
  • sodium and hypertension
  • fruits and vegetables and cancer

Food Guide Pyramid: A Practical Guide to Putting It All Together

The story began rather innocuously in 1988 when the USDA began development and testing of a graphic tool for use in communicating the messages of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. But what followed seemed more like the shootout at the O.K. Corral than anything else. After the smoke had cleared, a pyramid loomed on the American horizon with the battle lines still drawn.

Some bystanders wondered what all the fuss was about since government agencies had been issuing dietary recommendations for years, beginning with the RDAs and culminating in the revised Dietary Guidelines for Americans. After all, the triangular figure with suggested serving sizes and attractive clips of foods seemed innocent enough. But it was the very shape of the image and the message it projected that sent trade industry groups to the battlefront. The intent of the pyramid was to emphasize certain food groups, such as grain products and fruits and vegetables, while deemphasizing other groups, such as meat and dairy products, and conveying a sense of what proportions the groups should represent in one’s diet.

The USDA stated that a graphic image was needed to reinforce the messages of the Dietary Guidelines. The Dietary Guidelines call for increased consumption of complex carbohydrates and reduced intake of fats, saturated fats, cholesterol, sugar, and salt. Because animal sources contain predominantly saturated fat and cholesterol, these foods are deemphasized in a diet based on the guidelines.

In response, industry groups marketing these foods cited the availability and promotion of newer low-fat versions of old American staples, such as extralean ground round and nonfat dairy products. They pointed to the nutrient density of these products and challenged their position on the new pyramid, which had placed animal-derived foods directly below the fats and sweets group at the tip of the structure. The message of the pyramid is that grain products such as bread, cereal, and rice should form the bulk of the diet, accounting for most of the calories provided. Next are the fruits and vegetables, providing key vitamins and minerals. Toward the top are the foods which should be eaten more reservedly-the meat and dairy group. At the very top are the fats and sweets, with the admonition “to be used sparingly.”

Actually, the pyramid is not an American invention, having first appeared in Sweden in the mid-1980s and later in Australia in 1987. Both of these countries used the figure to convey their very similar versions of dietary guidelines. Critics had complained that the shape of the pyramid would confuse people because the top of something is usually the best. In the case of the “Eating Right Pyramid,” as it was later coined, in the top position were the foods to avoid. Some educators proposed that the pyramid be inverted to avoid this confusion. However, the USDA reported having conducted exhaustive testing and evaluation of the graphic with individuals and focus groups, much the same as marketing experts do in the business world. They stated that there were no significant findings related to shape inversion.

Although the pyramid has many supporters, some groups still are not convinced that it can be effective and not misrepresent certain foods. The unveiling took longer than expected, more because of objections from the food industry than efforts to test and polish the pyramid. Some critics have come up with their own pyramids: the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid, the Asian Pyramid, the Vegetarian Pyramid, and the Oldways Pyramid, which is based on plant foods. The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion recently issued informational fact sheets outlining the differences between its pyramid and new ones on the scene in an effort to resolve consumer confusion. It pointed to its chief advantages over its competitors-broader choices of foods and specific suggestions for number of servings from each group.

One of the long-term goals for the pyramid is widespread recognition among American consumers, and a recent survey showed that awareness increased from 58 to 67 percent of Americans within the past few years. Countless nutrition educators, those working with groups from children to the elderly, have found it to be a fun and effective teaching tool in imparting the nutrition and health recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

To find out if your diet stacks up to the pyramid, you need to know how many calories you should be taking in. For this, you’ll need to fill in the form at the end of this section. At the end of the chapter, you’ll need to review your diet record sheets to evaluate your current intake compared to the recommendations in this chapter.

No one is sure how much someone should weigh to promote health, since being either too thin or too fat are both associated with health risk.

Other Dietary Recommendations

The government isn’t the only group to issue nutrition recommendations; a host of public and private agencies have thrown their hats into the ring. We’ll look at diet guides from a private agency, the American Heart Association, and a joint effort, the 5-a-Day program.

American Heart Association Recommendations

The American Heart Association (AHA) recently released updated guidelines for Americans in its battle to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD), diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke. The new guidelines build on previous recommendations, especially the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The AHA points out in the preamble to its guidelines that although its focus is the prevention of CVD, the recommendations are consistent with those issued for the prevention and treatment of other major killers such as some forms of cancer, kidney disease, and diabetes. The recommendations are geared toward reducing well established risk factors for CVD, which include:

  • the elimination of cigarette smoking
  • appropriate levels of caloric intake and physical activity to prevent obesity and reduce weight in those who are overweight (especially abdominal or upper body fat)
  • consumption of 30 percent or less of the day’s total calories from fat
  • consumption of 8 to 10 percent of total calories from saturated fatty acids
  • consumption of up to 10 percent of total calories from polyun saturated fatty acids
  • consumption of 15 percent of total calories from monounsaturated fatty acids
  • consumption of less than 300 mg per day of cholesterol
  • consumption of no more than 2,400 mg per day of sodium
  • consumption of 55 to 60 percent of calories as complex carbohydrates
  • consumption of alcohol (those for whom alcohol is not contraindicated) should not exceed two drinks, or 1 to 2 ounces of ethanol, per day


What was that old-fashioned saying about an apple a day? It may have been closer to the mark than we thought, but in this case, more is better! As nutritionists have recommended shifting away from the traditional basic food groups approach to a healthy diet, various suggestions on which foods and how much have been proposed. When the Pyramid was introduced last year, amid much opposition, along with it came the 5-a-Day program focusing on fruits and vegetables. Consumers had heard a multitude of information on the benefits of increasing their consumption of these foods, but the number seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle.

The 5-a-Day program was developed in 1988 by the California Department of Health Services. The targets included retail, media, and government agencies to spread the message about the healthfulness of eating fruits and vegetables. The program proved highly successful, with more than 1,800 retail operations, agencies, and industry groups participating. At just about the same time, evidence began to mount connecting high fruit and vegetable intake to a reduced risk for several diseases. More recently, the National Cancer Institute has borrowed the California theme and promoted the 5-a-Day program as part of a national health promotion focused on reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Several key national authorities, such as the National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the USDA, have recommended that people should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Americans actually recommend up to nine daily servings. The basis for these recommendations is the burgeoning number of epidemiologic studies which suggest that people who eat greater amounts of fruits and vegetables, in particular those which are high in the antioxidant nutrients vitamin C and beta-carotene, have a lower risk for the two major killers in the United States, cancer and heart disease.

Other researchers have been quick to point out that there are a myriad of compounds in fruits and vegetables besides vitamin C and beta-carotene which may be wholly or partially responsible for the risk reduction. Some of these include the other carotenoids: alphacarotene, lutein, lycopene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. Additionally, fiber has been suspected of offering protection against these diseases based on several population studies. And the compounds known as indoles and dithiolthiones, from the cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, have piqued the interest of cancer researchers in recent years.

The results of a recent study of almost 87,000 nurses point to why scientists have had difficulty in identifying a single compound which is responsible for possible protective effects. Researchers analyzed the food intake of subjects and found that those who ate five or more servings of carrots a week were 68 percent less likely to have a stroke than those who ate one serving a month at most. Apparently spinach conferred protection as well, although not to the extent that carrots did. While both carrots and spinach are high in beta-carotene, they also contain other carotenoids and fiber. In addition, other compounds in the vegetables, as yet undiscovered, could be in,volved in risk reduction.

The studies to date have been somewhat conflicting, with most showing reduced cancer and heart disease risk in populations with high fruit and vegetable intake, but with others not supporting this conclusion. In addition, some scientists believe that the levels needed of the antioxidant nutrients and other protective compounds to significantly lower disease risk can only be achieved with nutrient supplements. Data from one recent study support this view. Subjects had a significant reduction in risk for heart disease only when supplementing their diet with vitamin E, with dietary intake exerting no significant effects.

Failure to pinpoint the exact protective compound is the reason for encouraging an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption with the 5-a-Day campaign. In addition, most of the studies so far which have shown reduced risk for chronic disease were based on analysis of dietary intake of fruits and vegetables. However, the recommendations seem to fall on deaf ears, with a recent survey reporting fully 77 percent of Americans falling short and only 8 percent achieving the goal. Perhaps more alarming is the low percentage of Americans who are aware of the recommendation for fruit and vegetable daily intake: 34 percent thought it was one serving, 32 percent thought two servings, and 25 percent thought three to four servings.

The National Cancer Institute and other health organizations are hoping to increase awareness of the 5-a-Day recommendation. At this point, it isn’t clear why Americans haven’t taken to this simple advice, but the experts will keep plugging away at this worthwhile goal.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Your Diet

Now it’s time to see how your diet stacks up against all of the recommendation we’ve just considered . It is important to remember that even a three-day intake record is not truly representative of the foods you eat over a longer period of time; but at least it’s a start we’ll use a quiz format in this chapter and upcoming ones to compare the average of your three-day intake to the various recommendation.

10 Best Healthy Snacks You Should Be Eating

When it comes to snacks what comes to mind to you? Are you reaching for the chips or a bowl of berries? Do you look at food labels or are you more interested in how much the item costs? Believe it or not, eating healthy does not have to cost a lot if you know what to buy and where to but it. From snacks to dinner there are plenty of healthy eats that you can be selecting from. If only you had a list to pick from to help you choose those healthy eats. According to an article on Fitness the ten best healthy foods that you should be eating are as follows:

  1. Lemons: have lots of vitamin C and could prevent the growth of cancer cells.
  2. Broccoli: filled with vitamin K so much that one stalk is more than double your daily dose and also helps to prevent cancer cells from developing.
  3. Dark Chocolate: can help to reduce blood pressure and is also rich in antioxidants.
  4. Potatoes: especially the red ones because they contain cell-building folate while the sweet ones contain eight times the dose of cancer fighting vitamin A.
  5. Salmon: full of omega-3 fatty acids for fighting cancer, heart disease, and depression as well as a daily dose of niacin which could combat memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Walnuts: contain more omega-3 fatty acids than anything else which helps to reduce cholesterol and also fight off cancer.
  7. Avocados: full of vitamins rich in lowering cholesterol and fiber that helps to reduce your risk of heart disease.
  8. Garlic: powerful fighter that inhibits the growth of bacteria and also contains allicin which is an anti-inflammatory to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
  9. Spinach: acts to boost the immune system and good for your eyes. It has also been discovered that spinach is the best cancer-fighting veggie out there.
  10. Beans: lower your risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

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What Diet Should You Go Through After A Tummy Tuck?

The tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic operation that is always performed by a highly trained cosmetic surgeon with the main purpose of removing excess skin that is stretched out in the abdominal area. As you can easily imagine, this is a highly popular procedure among mothers that have problems with stretched skin after a pregnancy. In addition, it is usually necessary when people when through a massive weight loss.

After The Surgery

Healing after the procedure is all based on your recovery potential and following the indications of the surgeon. You will need to wear abdominal binders that are basically compression garments. This is necessary for a number of weeks. During the surgery there can also be drains that are placed so that excess fluids and blood is eliminated while healing.

At the same time, it is really important that you change your diet. Even if you use the services of a really good surgeon like the ones from Linia Cosmetic Surgery, you still need to go through a diet. This is actually a crucial part of the healing process.

Dieting After Tummy Tucks

Healthy diets need to be incorporate in the lifestyle of the person that recovers from the procedure. Everything starts with alcoholic beverages and desserts. These have to be consumed with moderation in mind. Try to avoid all fast food or at least minimize intake. A home cooked meal that is healthy and lower in bad fats is very good for absolutely every person, not just for tummy tuck patients. It has to be added that you can also feel great thanks to a homemade meal since that tend to bring the entire family together.


When referring to what you need to eat, it is important to include a variety of vegetables and fruits. Fill your grocery cart based on colors. This means that you need many colors in the cart when you add fruits and vegetables. That is basically due to the fact that you get high vitamin content in deep greens, orange and red. Simply add collard greens, cantaloupe, strawberries and spinach as great choices that also taste great.

Try to start using whole grins instead of processed grains as they are simply a whole lot better. You can easily find rye, bran, wheat and cornmeal in various breads that are available in all supermarkets. Broiled fish, tofu, chicken, beans, peas and even unprocessed nuts are very good in the event that you need more protein in your diet.

When it comes to liquids, make sure that you focus on pure water. You need to drink as much as the body needs since that will help a lot in keeping your tummy trim at all times. Also, it can help the body eliminate toxins, wash away impurities and tackle cell toxins. It improves the appearance of the skin and helps you avoid dehydration.

Always stay focused on developing proper digestive habits. That helps you in many different ways. After you undergo a tummy tuck, you need to make lifestyle changes.

Nutrition And Dieting Advice For Healing And Preparation Following Plastic Surgery

There are so many different things that are not understood properly when referring to plastic surgery. Most people just think they can go get the surgery done and then just go home. That is definitely not the case. You need to take all the time that you need to consider all the advice mentioned below. This will help you to better prepare and get healed after your surgery.

Keep in mind that the advice offered is general. When you work with reputable cosmetic surgery options like Linia, the surgeon will give you extra indications that have to be respected at all times. This is what increases recovery speed and guarantees that the result of the procedure is just as you want it to be.

diet for cosmetic surgery

Things That You Need To Know:

  • Your body is mostly made out of water and after any surgery you need to be sure that you are properly hydrated. Around 8 ounces should be consumed before meals.
  • Always eat frequent meals that have lower calories, divided all throughout the day. Around 5 daily small meals made out of 2 snacks and 3 regular meals is perfect. The idea is to not let more than 5 hours pass before you eat again.
  • Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits while lowering intake of cereals, grains, pasta and breads. Most of the carbohydrates that you consume need to come from vegetables and fruits.
  • Stay focused on protein intake. Learn how much your body needs and make sure you receive that. Protein aids your body to recover faster. It is one thing that many do not understand.
  • Low fat protein should be consumed at each meal or snack. However, only consume low quantities. Also, try to add monosaturated fat to meals.
  • Small snacks should be consumed thirty hours before working out and before you go to bed, a small suitable snack works.

Surgeon Recommendations

Nowadays the surgeons also recommend different extracts and vitamins in order to help patients heal and prepare for cosmetic surgeries. However, before you take anything, you need to talk with the doctor. Unfortunately, there are too many people that simply respect anything that they find on the internet. It is quite common to see articles that are not written by professionals and that are trusted by everyone that reads.

In many situations it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory medication. That helps heal minor injuries and also aids a lot in dealing with the swelling that naturally appears after any surgery.

The Importance Of Rest

After every single surgery that you go through, rest is really important. You need to allow your body enough time to heal. This guarantees that surgery outcome is perfect. Too many people just go to work soon after the surgery. If the document recommends that you rest for 7 days until you get back to work, this is exactly what you should do. Make sure that you make the necessary adjustments to your schedule so that you have proper rest time available after you get home from the cosmetic surgery.

Beef Up with a Meaty Diet

When you lift weights it’s important to eat well to compliment your body building.  One of the most important nutrients that is sought after by those seeking to gain muscle is protein. There’s a very good reason for the lust for protein as it actually helps to promote muscles to repair themselves when they’re damaged through hard workouts and it also works to reduce the need to overeat. Finally, protein rich meats and vegetables also increase the body’s ability to burn calories.


A Great Addition to a Body Builders Diet

Meats with high levels of protein are perfect when you’re heavy training. There’s one excellent source that are worth adding to your diet. Beef is not only delicious it’s also packed full of the proteins that we’re made of too.  Beef comes in many cuts, so you can mix up your meals and cook it in many different ways, so there’s no need to worry about getting bored with your diet.

Different Cuts of Beef

There are many cuts to choose from but you will need to find a great source to ensure you’re getting good quality meat. Here are some of the best steak cuts that are going to improve your menus and your muscles too:

Porterhouse Steak

When it comes to steaks the porterhouse is the king. It’s not just one steak; it’s two, so it’s a big meal to consume. One side is a New York strip and the other is a fillet mignon. It’s thick and it can be cooked in many ways, but it’s always best when grilled. While this is the king of steaks it’s not ideal to eat on a regular basis.

T-Bone Steak

The T-bone steak gets its name because of the bone that’s shaped in a T. It’s a smaller size compared with the porterhouse but it does look quite similar. The meat contains less of the tenderloin and it cooks slower simply because the meat is next to the bone. Medium rare is the perfect way to eat your T-bone.

Top Sirloin

Lean meat is beneficial when eating to compliment your body building as it doesn’t contain as much fat as some of the other cuts. It’s important not to get top sirloin mixed with sirloin as there are no tenderloin or round muscles. If you’re fed up of eating steaks you can do something different with top sirloin, cut it into cubes and put it on skewers with some vegetables, it will be delicious!

The Flank

One of the most popular cuts of beef is the flank. The flavour is delicious as it’s helped by the connective tissue. As it cooks the connective tissues add amazing flavour but it can result in less tender meats. Marinating the flank is a great way of adding even more flavour and it’s always served cut across the grain.

Feed your body and get ripped by adding beef and other high protein meat into your diet.  Balance the meat with a variety of vegetables, fruits and dairy and you’ll be in fantastic shape in no time.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a disease of unknown cause characterised by inflammation and ulceration of the large intestine (colon), resulting in the frequent passage of stools with blood and mucus. The onset resembles an attack of dysentery. The failure to respond to the usual therapeutic measures draws attention to the fact that the disease might be ulcerative colitis. This disease is more common in females.

Ulcerative Colitis

Acute attacks are more often during mental conflicts and emotional stress. Allergy to certain foods may be a factor in precipitating the disease. Milk, for instance, is one of the foods not well tolerated by patients who suffer from this disease and its exclusion from the diet always helps.

Severe weakness in ulcerative colitis is the result of insufficient food consumption, loss of blood and electrolytes in the stools. Liver damage is not unusual in prolonged ulcerative colitis, impairing proper synthesis of proteins and storage of fat-soluble vitamins.


A soft, low-fibre, high-protein diet is recommended. This can be achieved in a person taking a mixed diet. In a vegetarian it is a difficult task, particularly when milk is also excluded.

Fat used in normal cooking is tolerated. Fried foods are not easily digested and therefore should be avoided.

All forms of irritant and stale foods should be strictly avoided. Raw salads, dried fruits and nuts, condiments and spices, papad, chutney and pickles are strictly prohibited.

Cereals should be taken in the refined form (chokar to be removed). Only dhuli dais should be consumed.

Mineral loss may be marked and unless replaced may contribute to a fatal outcome. So liberal amounts of fluid, especially in the form of soups, is advisable.

Diets for Aftercare and Outpatient Recovery


After surgery your body is in recovery mode, and diet is one of the most important components that can aid in the healing process.  Eating the right foods can help prevent unwanted side effects and give the skin what it requires for effective and efficient healing.  Follow these dietary suggestions on your road to healing, and you will establish good nutritional habits that can continue to benefit you for life.

Whole vs. Processed Foods

In general, whole foods are recommended for diets after surgery to maximize nutritional value and ensure higher fiber content.  Processed foods are often not as nutritionally beneficial.  For instance, it’s better to eat fresh vegetables directly from the produce stand, and use those in your cooking, than to seek those same benefits from a can of high-sodium vegetable soup. Processed foods often have more salt, sugar, and fat, but fewer vitamins and fiber.  It should be noted, however, that frozen and canned vegetables are generally just as nutritionally beneficial as their whole food counterparts.

Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

Fruits and vegetables are particularly important for an aftercare diet.  For instance, they contain healthy doses of Vitamin C, which some studies have shown can aid in the healing process.  They are also high in fiber, which can help prevent constipation, a very common side effect after surgery.  Five- to ten servings of vegetables are recommended daily to meet the nutritional needs of the human body.

Whole grains are a filling and tasty source of fiber and vitamins.  When choosing bread and rice, select white over wheat, since they are less processed and therefore have retained more of their nutritional value.

Meats and Dairy

Amino acids have been shown to have significant healing benefits, and chicken, fish, and eggs are not only high in these, but in protein as well.  Protein is a crucial part of a balanced diet, but not all protein-rich foods are created equally, especially when it comes to aftercare.  Red meat is high in saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, and it can also cause constipation after surgery.  Dairy, while having great nutritional benefits including protein, is a very common cause of constipation.  In addition, dairy causes increased lung secretions in those with a cough.  If dairy products are enjoyed during outpatient recover, then low fat versions are generally recommended for good health, to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Vitamin Supplements

If you are planning on taking vitamin supplements for recovery after surgery, select one containing iron and B-12.  They can help form new blood cells in bone marrow, which is important after certain kinds of surgery.  Vitamin supplements can be particularly helpful in meeting the nutritional needs of those patients who are experiencing a loss of appetite.  Glutamine amino acid supplements have also been shown to be beneficial for healing after surgery.  Yet there is such thing as too much of a good thing: certain vitamins can be harmful if taken in excess.

Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite is another symptom commonly experienced by patients after surgery. Eating smaller portions more frequently can help.  Experimenting with recipes to discover appealing foods is also useful, since tastes can change after surgery. Eating calorie-rich foods can help make up for the shortfall in caloric intake.  Loss of appetite is usually temporary, and for most patients a regular diet should replace the high-calorie diet when normal appetite resumes.

Diet has a direct impact on the speed and quality of a patient’s recovery after surgery.  A good diet will help ensure that a patient is healed sooner, able to return to normal activities and enjoy a better quality of life in the long run.

Guest Post contributed by Per Watson